Live Review: Mallrat & Javeon - The Old Blue Last, London 29/03/2018
Making your debut appearance anywhere can be rather scary, I can imagine it being like the first day at school. Mallrat made her first UK performance last week at the Old Blue Last, and for her it was like going into the classroom for the first time and becoming the queen bee of the school.
Bristol boy Javeon started the entertainment for the evening, mixing his version of soul with some deep beats. Playing a number of tracks from his EP 'Clockwork', he went down well with the crowd. With a few fans himself in the crowd, he certainly held the room well. There is something minimal about his music which just works, that kind of sound that could easily dance about the room too while also politely swaying on the spot.

By the time Mallrat is due to come on stage, the Old Blue Last is packed all the way to the back. The demand for her to play a UK show has been in such high demand, and this room shows it. You can feel the energy in the room that people are feeling, the excitement that they are finally going to see her.
As she walks on stage, Mallrat is met by a huge cheer from the crowd, with numerous 'I LOVE YOU' shouted at her. She looks out to them with a little giggle. She isn't overwhelmed nor is there no ego. It is purely natural. And I think that is why everyone loves her, because she is real. Telling the crowd that she was surprised anyone turned up for her first UK show, let alone a full room.
Playing a set of her tracks from her new EP, including crowd favourites 'UFO', 'For Real' and a cheeky Kanye West cover. The Old Blue Last might be a small venue, but in the UK when you play to a crowd that size in this venue, it means something. Its the last stop before everything explodes. So this might of been Mallrat's first UK show, but it certainly won't be her last.
There is a lot more to come from this girl. And it is certainly going to be exciting.

Words and Photography by Ant Adams