Live Review: Childcare - The Prince Albert, Brighton 27/11/2017
It may have been cold outside, but Childcare warmed up a shivering Brighton crowd by taking to the stage upstairs at The Prince Albert as part of their "Gemini, Albatross, Alright?' tour.
After a very successful set at Brighton's The Great Escape back in the summer, Childcare returned to a captive audience, that they held in the palm of their hands from the get go.
Kicking things off with debut single 'Omega Grey', the swaying of the crowd began. A sway that remained throughout the entire set, lead by the hips of lead singer Ed. The Pide-Piper of hip action if you will.
The band moved swiftly on, to a cover of which they stated "had gone down alright" on tour, so gave it a whirl on the seaside audience. It was a cover that caught me be surprise to be honest. "No Letting Go" originally by Wayne Wonder. But boy did they do it justice! The crowd responded with a gleeful cheer and round of applause as they eagerly awaited the bands next track.
"Film Club", "Getting Over You", new single "Put Down Your Pen" and finally "Kiss?" concluded what was a fantastic night.
Childcare are a band that it would seem, no matter how big they get, will remain true to their fans and themselves. It's refreshing to see and hear a band so down to earth and dare I say it "normal". But make no mistake, even with a broken rib, a broken amp and a stage the size of a shoebox (a shoebox of someone with very small shoes at that!) there was nothing "normal" about the band's performance. Catchy melodies coupled with on point harmonies and a fuzzed up guitar tone result in nothing short of brilliance.
I make no dispute that I am a big fan of this band, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for them.

Review and Photography by Daniel Hills