Live Review: Idle Frets - Camden Assembly, London 21/11/2017
Ending their Autumn UK tour on a high, Idle Frets certainly upped the game at their London show at the Camden Assembly. Bursting with energy they didn’t fail to wow the crowd.
Kick starting the night with ‘Aftershow’, the group instantly grabbed the audience by slowly swelling up the sound with a gradual increase of instrumentation starting with the lead guitarist Luke and drummer Erin building up the track to slowing oozing in the vocals and base from Ben and David.
The unified group certainly have a feel to them. All in sync, not just musically but also off stage, they work as a team to put on a thunderous gob stopping show, and they did not disappoint. Their upbeat, unique sound is like no other, playful and polished it gives the audience a contagious addiction for more due to the lyrical structure and artistic flow in the music.
As well as throwing us an astonishing musical performance, these guys were there to knock our socks off with their moves too, this band had no trouble bringing the house down! Once the audience had their warm up, it was onwards and upwards (quite literally). The band encouraged their crowd to come in closer to the stage and it didn’t stop there, stomps and cheers could be heard from the bar room, slowly grasping the curiosity of more and more music lovers nearby.

Finishing the show with ‘Now You’re Back’, I think it is safe to say we will be seeing these guys around real soon. With their distinct sound and groove, they are hitting the music industry hard and they’re not stopping there.
Review and all Photography by Shana Jagger