Live Review: Bloody Knees - Picture House Social, Sheffield 10/112017
On Friday night 10th November Picture House Social, Sheffield, hosted the wonderful Bloody Knees.
Picture House Social normally has quite standard still lighting for their stage however when I walked into the venue, the stage was filled with bursting vibrant colours and psychedelic patterns casted upon all four members of Bloody Knees. As soon as the first song started, the crowd appeared to have doubled and all edged closer to the stage. Even though it was 10:30pm, everybody definitely had that Friday feeling as the room started to fill and respond more and more to every tune. Front man Brad Griffiths responded to the movement and the involvement of the crowd and began moving around more and filling up the surface area of the stage. Although Bloody Knees haven’t yet released a debut album, they had plenty of material that they have released via EP which went down like an absolute treat. The main guitar melody to “Ears, Eyes, Ohs and Yous” started ringing through the speakers, much to my absolute delight. “Ears Eyes, Ohs and Yous” was the first song that I had ever listened to and it is still personally one of my favourite songs therefore hearing it for the first time live was an absolute treat. Towards the end of the set Brad introduced their most recent EP “Maybe It’s Easy” to which they then played “Not Done” and “Maybe It’s Easy” – which are both tracks featured on their new EP.

To put it simply, Bloody Knees are an absolutely incredible live band. Every piece of music that they have released so far has been fantastic but then to hear the rawness of it all live takes it to another level. Quite literally cannot wait to see this band again live because I just know that they just smash it and continue to get bigger and better.
Review and Photography by Hollie Wright