Live Review: Turnover, Palladino & Emotional - Rescue Rooms, Nottingham 23/09/2017
Last month, we saw the long anticipated release of 'Good Nature' by American band Turnover. The band has changed their sound quite considerably compared to their much older self-titled EP and their first album, 'Magnolia'. Their music now takes on dreamier, softer vibes that provide easy listening from start to finish. After the release, Turnover have hit the UK and EU to promote their latest album launch, with support from Brooklyn R&B band Palladino, and San Francisco alternative band; Emotional.
Playing to a half filled Rescue Rooms in Nottingham, Emotional start off the evening with a tonne of energy and happiness which really puts things off to a good start. Having released their album ‘The Band’ earlier this year, Emotional had plenty of new content to play to the crowd, which seemed pretty well received. Coming from America, Emotional may not be so well-known in England yet, but after a great set, I can see them increasing in popularity very soon as they deliver dreamy-pop emo vibes, that are quite different to a lot of music out at the moment.
The band themselves, seemed like a lovely group of people that interacted with the crowd well. At one point, the lead singer even disappeared off stage and then came back out dancing with a huge smile on his face, which just increased the energy of the whole performance even more, and really had the crowd in awe.
Next up to play was Palladino. Now, when you think of support acts for a band like Turnover, one of the last things you’ll probably think of is R&B, but somehow, it worked so well. Palladino aren’t your bog standard R&B act. They bring so much more energy and warmth to the stage, with similar dreamy pop vibes that Emotional delivered. It felt to match up well to Turnover’s new sound with Good Nature, and this combined with Emotional beforehand, made for a really interesting night. The bands were all different enough to keep things engaging, whilst being similar enough to compliment each other really well.

The only downside about Palladino’s set was the length of it. It felt as though it could have been slightly longer, however the length is understandable as they only have one major release under their belt at the moment. However, they didn’t let their lack of releases stop them, and mid-set they played a cover of Childish Gambino’s ‘Redbone’, which shook things up and also meant they were able to play something most people have heard of before. This kind of song was refreshing to hear at a gig like this, and they even had help from Austin (lead singer of Turnover) on guitar.

As Turnover hit the stage, the room was almost full by this point, and the venue was said to not have been far away from selling out. The whole room lit up with excitement and cheers. The set was of course, heavily based around Good Nature, with a few popular classics from Peripheral Vision. But, if you’re hoping to see the band play anything pre-peripheral vision era, don’t bet on it. As the band have changed their sound so much, it wouldn’t really be fitting for them to introduce a song such as ‘Sasha’ into the mix, as it would disrupt the mood that they’re able to convey through their currently, much more chilled sound.

Songs like Sunshine Type and Supernatural had the whole crowd singing a long, which were released as singles in preparation for the release of Good Nature. All That It Ever Was, was also really well received, which was shortly followed up by New Scream, which is of course a popular favourite from their last release in 2015. Overall, the set featured a good mix of current songs, with a few old favourites. The band did however, finish early, with a curfew of 10pm but finishing at 9:40pm with no encore, which was slightly disappointing but they delivered a great set nonetheless.
Photography and Review By Hayley Fearnley